Preliminary schedule for Scania Camp 2013 referees
Payment for Scania Camp can be made on Wednesday after 21:00 until thursday before 13:00.
Nominations will be anounced on this page and during lectures at Hotell Skogshöjd.
18:00 - 19:00: Welcomespeach and info at Hotell Skogshöjd.
19:10 - 19:40: Dinner group 1
19:45 - 20:25: Dinner group 2
20:30 - 21:10: Dinner group 3
21:30 - 22:30: Costas Rigas
22:30 - 23:30: Romas Brauzauskas
23:30 - 03:30: Lahdo's information + Free time
10:00 - 11:00: Romas Brauzauskas
11:00 - 12:30: Rigas Costas
13:00 - Sandwich at Täljehallen
13:00 - 15:00: Three-man mecanics on the floor (Rookies, dress to referee)
15:10 - 16:00: Rules and bible - Lahdo Sharro
18:00 - 22:00: Coach clinic at Täljehallen
22:30 - 23:30: Lahdo's information
19:30 - 23:00: Coach clinic at Täljehallen
23.00 - 24.00: Clips at Hotell Skogshöjd
14:00 - 15:00: Oleg Latisevs
19:00 - 20:00: Oleg Latisevs
22:00 - 24:00: Clips
22.30 - 23.30: Clips and closingspeach
The startingpoint for referees is Scandic hotel Skogshöjd:
Täppgatan 15
151 21 Södertälje
Latitude - 59,194681
Longitude - 17,618766